Journey To Cicalino Bike World.

Ciao a tutti! Let me take you on a little adventure that turned out to be one of those days you wish you could live over and over again. It was mid-March 2024, and the squad: Misia, Jack, Fede and Filippo; found ourselves plotting a course for a photo shooting gig at Cicalino Bike World in Massa Marittima.

But, as fate would have it, our usual shuttles were out of commission. What to do?

The Plan

We hatched a plan that was as simple as it was amusing: pile the bikes, a mix of electric and traditional ones, onto a trailer hitched to a car. Picture it: four adventurers and their two-wheeled steeds, embarking on a road trip not just to fulfill a mission but to discover the unknown.

Calci & Friends

Our detour? The charming trail area of Calci, near Pisa, renowned for hosting enduro Italian championships. Calci was one of those places we’d heard whispers about but never visited. Without a clear path (pun intended), we reached out via Instagram to our soon-to-be friends at OffTheLine, led by the incredible Matteo, a maestro of trail guiding and building.

With Matteo, Elia, and Mirco joining our band, the day transformed into an unforgettable ride. (Shoutout to our Strava fam, check the tour here!). We wrapped up the adventure at the coolest spot in town, the Bike Village bar and Bike Store, over beers and tales of the trail.

Elia turned out to be a treasure trove of local lore, sharing stories that made the landscape come alive—even as he sneakily quizzed us on the uphill. And Mirco? Let’s just say he rides like the wind, untamed and full of spirit (Spirit il Cavallo Pazzo). 

Massa Marittima: Cicalino Bike World and Massa Vecchia - Bike Heaven

Eventually, we made our way to Cicalino Bike World, where the trails around Monte Arsenti and the famed canyon trail awaited. Each ride felt like uncovering a secret, with Massa Marittima’s magical landscapes serving as the perfect backdrop for our photo shoot—and our dinners were just as epic as the rides!

To all you souls yearning for adventure, Massa Marittima and Calci are calling. If you’re in the area and looking for tips, trails, or just want to share a ride, drop us a message. We’d love to help you discover these gems, just as we did.

Until next time, keep riding and exploring. Chi sa dove ci porterà la prossima avventura? (Who knows where the next adventure will take us?)


P.s. check out our recap on instagram here!

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